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Welcome to the Eimeria SCAR database

This database allows you to select a query by species-specificity, size markers or species of Eimeria. You can also directly retrieve a SCAR by entering the SCAR Name. Refined searches can also be performed employing SQL commands. A full list of database fields is provided.

The Eimeria SCAR Database was originally described in the paper "Characterization of SCAR markers of Eimeria spp. of domestic fowl and construction of a public relational database (The Eimeria SCARdb)", published on FEMS Microbiol Lett. 238(1): 183-188, 2004.

Supplementary material of this paper is available here.

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If you need additional information or report any problems in using the Eimeria SCARdb, please contact us at the address argruber@usp.br